This animation focuses on social media and various themes that are relevant to young people today: social relationships and acceptance, identity building, and issues related to self-esteem and self-respect. The topic of this animation also allows viewers to reflect on social media as a tool for forming one’s own means of expression and participation. The target audience of this animation is children in grades 7–9.
Social media is one of the most important social environments for many young people today. They use it to form their perceptions of the lifestyles, expressions, content production forms or skills that are considered personally desirable or that are accepted by the communities they care about. A person’s self-knowledge will develop throughout their life, but seeking one’s identity and direction are particularly topical issues for young people. In this case, a young person may explore different roles and interests and try to find or compete for their place in different communities, even on the internet.
People express themselves on social media through texts, images, video clips and memes by sharing and responding to content produced by others. Social media users use these methods to tell stories about themselves and give others tips – either consciously or unconsciously – about what they are like and which social groups they feel that they belong in.
In many cases, the ways in which people use social media and the identities they create focus mostly on the kinds of social communities that they feel like they belong to and identify with. These digital communities can represent important sources of influence and inspiration for forming one’s own identity. They can also become important channels for young people who wish to be seen and heard. People use social media communities to find like-minded people and new friends who share the same interests. While peer support is important, it is equally important for people to meet other people and encounter different views online, to expand one’s thinking and provide new perspectives.
From time to time, it is a good idea to examine how the self-image that one conveys to others via social media corresponds to their own internal experience. For young people, experimenting with different roles or identities online can be an important part of finding oneself. In addition to what they share deliberately, young people can consider what parts of their identity are hardly visible or completely invisible on social media.
The need to be seen and accepted, sometimes in the eyes of a certain person or community in particular, and the desire to be part of a group are basic human needs, and many people seek to fulfil these need on social media. When one interacts with others, they receive feedback on whether they are sufficient or accepted. Occasionally, it may even seem cruel if the attention that an individual receives – or lack thereof – becomes very visible to others on social media.
In one way or another, experiences of exclusion are familiar to many people from the different stages of their youth. However, when it comes to social media, one should remember that they most likely are not alone in their feelings or thoughts. Even the most popular social actors are likely to feel incomplete or unsuccessful from time to time. Ultimately, what people see on social media is only a small fraction of a person’s entire being. In any case, everyone can contribute to creating a safe social media culture where everyone can feel accepted as they are.
Different social media influencers and communities may create models or codes that their members must adhere to in action and thought in order to be a part of that group or community. At times, such frameworks or challenges may seem narrow, contradictory or contrary to one’s own values. Therefore, it is important for people to be aware of the phenomena and people on social media who shape their identities and influence their thoughts. Young people should be supported in recognising their strengths and the values that are important to them, so that these can serve as the foundation for a positive self-image. A good sense of self-esteem is also a source of support for people who engage with social media.
Remember that social media can also offer young people a wide range of opportunities for positive agency and self-expression. Each young person is a unique personality who not only enriches but also actively builds different communities online. Young people today can use their online presence to highlight their different skills and competences more extensively than ever before. Expressing oneself is a valuable media skill in itself, and promoting one’s creativity on social media also serves to inspire and delight others.
Text: Rauna Rahja, Osuuskunta Dadamedia
Image: Filmbutik
The Online Life animated series, produced by the National Audiovisual Institute (KAVI), has been designed for children and young people of different age groups. Each animation includes a set of pedagogical material to support the discussion of its themes. The material can be used both in early childhood education and care and in pre-primary and comprehensive education. It can also be used in other situations, such as supporting the media education provided by libraries or at home.
Published under the CC BY-NC license
Watch the animation “The Challenge”.
This animation focuses on social media and various themes that are relevant to young people today: social relationships and acceptance, identity building, and issues related to self-esteem and self-respect. The topic also allows viewers to reflect on social media as a tool for forming one’s own means of expression and participation.
The animation was produced by the National Audiovisual Institute (in collaboration with FISIC and the New Literacies development programme).
Animation: Filmbutik
Script: Jani Kauta
Published under license: CC BY-NC
The following questions can be used when watching the animation to generate ideas and support the discussion of the themes in the video.
- In the video, Elias tries to achieve something that is important to him by imitating others or by repeating what he thinks may interest his crush or other people online.
- When you are online, is it more important to stand out or be similar to others? Why? Is there a need or even the possibility of being unique in social media or gaming communities?
- Is it important to receive approval online? Why or why not?
- What does the phrase “be yourself” mean to you? What do you think it means on social media or in online communities?
- Elias responds to the challenge he found online.
- How do you feel about Elias’ challenge? Why was Elias excited about it? How did Myrsky feel about it?
- What kinds of social media challenges have you seen or responded to? What was their purpose? What kinds of challenges seem to spread the most? Can social media challenges be harmful in some way? Can they be useful? Think about some real or fictitious examples.
- In the video, Elias initially receives questionable and inappropriate attention, but by the end, the feedback becomes positive and encouraging.
- What do you think affected the reactions that Elias received?
- What kinds of social media content do you appreciate or admire?
- Social media can serve as a channel for personal expression.
- What form of expression comes most naturally to you on social media? What kind of content do you like to create?
- What motivates you to post your own creations, such as photos, texts or videos? Which media creation, published or unpublished, are you most proud of?
- Think about your own activities on social media or the creations (photos, videos, texts) that you have published online.
- What kind of digital identity have you created through them? Is your digital identity important to you? Why or why not?
- What needs do you fulfil by using social media? Explain your reasoning.
- Social media publications often have some sort of goal.
- What types of matters are usually handled with great care on social media? And what kinds of things are usually handled without much thought, as a joke, or on the spur of the moment?
- Are there differences between different social media services in how spontaneous or considered their content usually is?
Text: Rauna Rahja, Osuuskunta Dadamedia
Image: Filmbutik